امریکہ کی پاکستان کے لئے نئی حکمتِ عملی
This program in hosted by Asif Hameed and the guests are Ayyub Baig Mirza, Director Media production Tanzeem e Islami Pakistan and Raza ul Haq, research scholar of Tanzeem e Islami.
The topics covered in this talk show are the strategy of Pakistan towards United States after Trump Imran meeting in US. In this talk we will discuss what Imran Khan attain and lose in this meeting. After this meeting India start violating LOC again and attitude of Afghan Taliban become stricter after this meeting.
#TrumpImranMeeting #ZamanaGawahHai #TanzeemeIslami
New Us Strategy For Pakistan After Trump Imran Meeting | Zamana Gawah Hai – EP# 168