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‘Arbaeen e Nawawi’ is a compilation of forty-two (42) Ahadith assembled by Imam Yahya bin Sharf ud Din al-Nawawi (R.A.A.) during the 6th century Hijri. The Imam selected those Ahadith for his compilation which, in his opinion and that of many other Muslim scholars who lived centuries later, are fundamental and the most significant in understanding the Islamic way and code of life and are the most enabling ones to embrace that way of life in person.
Late Dr. Israr Ahmed (R.A.A.), a renowned Islamic scholar of our age, delivered a series of lectures in Qur’an Academy, Lahore during 2007 and 2008 to highlight the basic theme, context and content of the Ahadith collected in the compilation of Imam Nawawi (R.A.A.). In this series of lectures, Dr. Israr Ahmad (R.A.A.) added relevant Qura’nic verses and other related Ahadith in order to make his exposition comprehensive and homogeneous, and also to account for the difference in the time periods of the original compilation done by Imam Nawawi (R.A.A.) and the delivery of these lectures centuries later. May Allah (S.W.T.) make this service a constant source of reward for late Dr. Israr Ahmed (R.A.A.) and increase his ranks in the Hereafter. Aameen!
For more detail regarding the lectures and philosophy of late Dr. Israr Ahmed (R.A.A.) and for general queries contact:
Qur’an Academy, 36-K Model Town, Lahore, Pakistan.
Phone: +92-42-35869501, +92-42-35869503